Random thoughts among other things from a smelly good boy

27 February, 2008

Man was I bummed to miss Snelling this year. I like that race- one of the jewels in the crown of NorCal racing. But I was doing this:

That's me and the little lady being towed behind a boat on big S.U.P. boards in 80 degree water. This was after I'd ridden 4 hrs that day all over west Maui, up and down and all over. Fun times!

26 February, 2008

I seem to remember quite a few Prime Alliance and Mercury guys suffering from blood clots. Wierd.

12 February, 2008

A good friend of mine has finally taken the plunge and started his own little company that makes custom racks for bicycles. After long years as a frame builder his welding experience is paying off and he's taking a lot of orders for his racks. Check it out!
They're truly little welded works of art that you can bring home the groceries in. Drop him a line.

11 February, 2008

I'm sure that all the blog hounds are scouring the blogosphere for little quotes and invented race reports that can be talked about ad infinitum all week. I have only one:

A lot of guys think they're a lot faster than they really are.

Regardless, the racing was fun and the little lady was happy I came home with a bottle of wine for her.

Now if we can get our kits straightened out we'll look even better!

03 February, 2008

Bridgestone MB 0 Zip Vintage NR original gruppo

Bridgestone MB 0 Zip Vintage NR original gruppo

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