Random thoughts among other things from a smelly good boy

28 February, 2007

Speaking of coveting things... The Chevy Chevelle Malibu. I've always wanted this car and one day I will find one like this one, which is really pimp and comes with the factory tissue dispenser. I don't know if I'd put an SS hood on mine, but this one looks good in this color. Hope I make enough money one day to get one of these!

27 February, 2007

23 February, 2007

OK, seriously, this is one of the most intriguing watches I have ever seen. And if you know me, you know I like my timepieces to be cool. I covet the Urwerk 201.

20 February, 2007

My boy, Hendy (right) just getting nipped at the line at stage one, Tour of California. Best wishes mate, you'll get her next time!!
Photo ©: PhotoSport International

14 February, 2007

ARE YOU F*CKING KIDDING ME? Only on eBay, while Ian Curtis rolls in his frigid grave.

13 February, 2007

This is the ultimate Lego set. Oh, how I covet.

10 February, 2007

There's been a whole lot of hype about this new fangled phone from some fruit company out here in California. Well I've got one thing to say to that: SAMSUNG.

09 February, 2007

Last Sunday was the annual boy's time in Chico consisting of a gas inducing meal, a 12 round knock out, drag out fight with bartenders at the Bear, and riding with a hundred guys in spandex, across wind swept roads, that may or may not be paved for a hundred miles or so otherwise known as the Paskenta Century. Great fun. I'm just recovering now.

L to R: Yeah Yeah, The Shepherd, AKA Kayser, Hudizzle, Stickboy, JFo, myself. This was taken just before leaving for Chico land.

This was taken during.

This was taken after.
Hooray for CHICO!!!!!

Went home last night and had a few beers (5) with my boy Axt (ski racer supreme # 67 above)
and watched the Top Ten Celebrity Divorces on VH1. The best show, evvah. Drunk trash TV watching is so much more enjoyable than riding the trainer for an hour or two.

My boy, Ari of the Northwest aka, Losephus Holmes broke his wing, again. Send him some love, would you? He loves E-cards filling up his Treo, spam in his mailbox and dozens of roses.
Poor fella fell off his bike- again.

02 February, 2007

This guy, Dimitri Martin, is hysterical. Click on the Episode 1 "A Rare Condition". It's funny as. I was sent to his website by a coworker and lost half the day today on his site.

01 February, 2007

Now that's a set of handlebars!
Yeeeee- hah!!