I think it's time to start digging myself out of my rut. I've been piling on the yeast and calories non stop for about 3 weeks. The funny thing is that I'm well rested and riding all right for at least 3 hours, then I go to shite, but whatever...
I had to bail on 37straightdaysofracinginasia due to work commitments, and it was my boy Cliff who asked the question to set it straight: "Where will going to China get you?"
Good Christ, good thing he didn't ask me that when I was in art school. I'd have started working for UPS straight away.
Honestly though, at this time in my life, he had a very valid argument for not racing.
So here's the get out of my rut plan:
-Get up early.
-Get dry (harder than you think when you're Scottish and Irish).
-Get exercising (read-get on bike).
-Get smarter.
-Less TV (which I feel is tied into just above)
That last on may take some time, but being smarter takes time management, which I've let go to shite as well as my legs.