Random thoughts among other things from a smelly good boy

22 September, 2005

Just woke up. Ouch. Had more than one, but less than three pitchers. Lodge Bar, Columbus, Ohio was next level last night. There was a wet t shirt contest and it got a little out of hand but I saw no boobs because I was the smallest guy there and everyone in front of me was bigger- corn fed types. Oh well, I went back to my beer and sipped the night away.

Oh yeah, some bartender girl asked me what I was doing there and I said drinking. She said, no, like, in C-bus. I said, visiting my boy here, pointed to Marco, and just getting home, eventually. Where's home? she asked. California, I replied. Like, no way, that's where I'm from! Where in California? she asked me. I told her, L.A., I'm a screenwriter.
Miller Lite is less filling and tastes great, but makes you a liar.


Blogger Andrew said...

best bar lie ever....

"What do you do"
"I'm a whaler"
"Isn't that illegal"


Blogger FstrBlly said...

oh word!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

what the hell are you doing in OHIO?


Blogger FstrBlly said...

driving across the country



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