Random thoughts among other things from a smelly good boy

18 September, 2005

In Queens, New York, at the parent's house- where the houses are all on top of one another like row houses in Manchester and there is not a single wireless connection to be found around here. Therefore: Queens is in the tech. stone age. I've been saying it for years, but this opinion is now confirmed by fact.
This is why I am a slacker, because the internet dial up connection here at the house is slow like snails in quicksand and I can deal with it about as well as W's daughters in A.A.

I grow more loony with each passing moment.

NY observation #1: Was at the Metropolitan Museum of Art the other day and I saw a lovely Diebenkorn painting in a stairwell. Rough crowd in New York, I'll tell 'ya! In a STAIRWELL!!! What the hell is that about. Who did little Richard D. piss off to deserve that? I wonder.....

NY obsevartion #2: There is now a "V" train that services the Lower East side and all it's outdoor cafes on Avenue A. Gentrification is inevitable and resistance to the allure of being a yuppie has never died. Where do all the artists go once the rents get up to $1500 for a studio apartment, like now?


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