Random thoughts among other things from a smelly good boy

19 December, 2007

This is a great post from my buddy, Ari, up in Bremerton explaining the meaning of 'hubris'.
You've probably read the Velo News article/interview with Michael Ball, the CEO of Rock and Republic jeans, now director at Rock Racing. It's hysterical.

For the record: when one of your riders' A samples tests positive, but then the B sample needs to be tossed due to irregular handling; and that rider is/was coached by someone that gave a Grand Jury deposition at the Landis trial, I wouldn't go complaining that there is a witch hunt for one of your riders, I might just try real hard to keep my mouth shut.
To say that their skin is different from the majority of riders out there and that's the reason why they're being targeted- well, that's just stupid.
What a knucklehead. I pity all the riders on that team now- it's going to be along season for them.


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