Random thoughts among other things from a smelly good boy

11 December, 2005

Started training again. 10 hours this week, on the bike, in the sunshine and clouds and fresh air. It was hard and my back has much pain. I think my vertebrae are finally getting older than my brain denies. Time to call the doctor. I can still put out the watts, but just not in any kind of comfort. May have to really get to therapy.
My friend Erin, who works in PT, stuck her finger in my hip flexor and I thought I was going to leap off the floor and run away from the pain.
"Not any kind of good." She says.
"So...what now?" I ask.
"Get to my office and I'll get to testing and getting your stregnth back."
I used to think I was fiercely strong. Oh well.
I'll just deny it a little longer and keep racing around and around.


Blogger Annie, The Evil Queen said...

Ten hours on a bike would kill me. But I did survive labor, so... I think denial coupled with PT is a fine plan.



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