Random thoughts among other things from a smelly good boy

18 May, 2007

Anonymous said...

Suffer in your discontent. Feel the pain of being stomped by those that have less demanding (or no) careers - like you have done to those in the past. Then MAYBE you will experience a humble moment.

Once you learn this, the path will be more clear.

Or take the spineless, vain route and just call Rocky....

Let me guess- you race Masters 1,2,3 races? you have your own blog which you update incessantly? you have no career? had no cycling career? you've a lot of time to read cycling blogs all day? not really have a wife? think you stomp (stomp whom, exactly?)? you thought about buying yourself an altitude tent at age thirtyplussomething? You really think I'm going to be humbled in the master's field?

Or I could be totally off and you really do have a life.

I ate a lot of humble pie when I raced in Italy, so I really don't think you are going to humble me at some race in the valley.

Anonymous - you're funny, and a little spooky. I think you missed the point, I was looking for advice, not an angry zen haranguing, but thanks anyway! You really know how to make someone's day. Don't crash your bike. :>)-