Random thoughts among other things from a smelly good boy

16 May, 2007

Work has been rough the last month, to say the least. Midnight oil sessions that are leaving my 14lb bike lonely, but what's a working boy to do? I'm still stuck on FakeProBoy schedule- early morning workouts, naps and then another workout before afternoon coffee. You fit in work around your riding schedule. Now- not so much. I've got to get my head on straight (if that's possible after working 12 hr days in front of a laptop, on the weekend) and make the time for the bike. I used to laugh at guys that talked about finding balance between work, life and the bike. I take it all back, every chuckle. I was young and dumb- now I know. I don't like it anymore than you did.
I've got to say though, it's nice having more money in the bank account. Which is better trying to figure out how your going to pay your mobile phone bill every month.

My hat is of to anyone that has achieved any semblance of balance. Please share with me the Yoda wisdom you possess for I am lost and treading water in my own discontent.

Then again, maybe I'll buy myself an altitude tent and become a great pretender when I get to my mid-life crisis.


Blogger Miller said...

You are still young and dumb.... but we love you anyway....


Anonymous Anonymous said...


Riding, wife and working is easy!! Riding, working, wife and chasing 3 year old is a bit more difficult, 6am rides before work and sneaking out for 30km at lunch is a blessing.


Blogger FstrBlly said...

It's the 6am thing that's killing me.


Blogger Annie, The Evil Queen said...

Dude, I'm up at 6am every day with a very active toddler. I hit the gym three timmes a week and hope for 7 hours of sleep a night. And no one is paying me. You need to get one of those exercise bikes that generate the power for your laptop so you can do both at once.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Suffer in your discontent. Feel the pain of being stomped by those that have less demanding (or no) careers - like you have done to those in the past. Then MAYBE you will experience a humble moment.

Once you learn this, the path will be more clear.

Or take the spineless, vain route and just call Rocky....


Blogger FstrBlly said...

Jesus man! Mediocre much? stick to your own blog


Blogger jAndy donka-donk said...

In the end it is just a bike....

When you have life going on, seem like the commute is your only friend. Also seems as though all them fast masters do 110% efforts all week long for every workout....

Must be something in that training plan that works....


Blogger Unknown said...

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Blogger Unknown said...

Do what Bruce Lee did. You know, that machine that sends mild electric shocks to your muscles. You can use it in the office or at home. Oh, and you can start working on massive pecs also, or biceps if thats your thing.


Blogger that said...

Or screw it all like I did and gain 15 lbs - YIKES. If you figure it out let me know. I hate 6 am rides



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